Friday, November 7, 2008


Men and woman are very different as we know, but what men need to know is that woman process information differently then they do like; when a man says something like, "Later" to say maybe a request to go out or a request to spend time together...When a man says "Later" to him he is saying I'm going to do this but not right now maybe not even today, What a woman hears is "No" because there is no commitment behind what he has just said to her and women like to hear definates and a commitment to what the man she is giving herself to is saying to her. Now for men I have secrets for you too. Woman become comfortable in situations and I'm not saying that is a bad thing, but because woman are prone to applying emotions to a lot of situations, you as men have to be specific in what you are saying and not take for granteed that when you are talking to a woman that it is all gettiing through the way you are hearing it in your head, if a woman says" I'm willing to sacrifice" what she is really saying is there is a time limit on this promise and you need to reassure me when you notice that I'm becoming impatient.... and guys there will be signs and they won't always be subtle. So pay attention, men do tend to get caught up in the unlimited understanding of a woman, but women also get caught up in the "he should know what I am feeling"

Please ...... get serious
Nut Shell:

Men are logical so say excatly what you mean to them (you will be suprised how far you get)
Women are logical with emotion attched so make yourself clear so they won't have room to read into what you are saying ( you will be suprised how many arguements you aviod)

We are different and our differences are what draw us to each other
There is a saying that goes: Men marry women hoping they won't change, women marry men hoping they will. (No clue who said that first) but it is too true if women would except that the man you are with is the man you are going to get then they would be happier, not the man that they hope he will be that's called settleling. Men except the woman the way she is and remiind her that the man she fell for is still there by not getting overly comfortable.

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