Sunday, November 9, 2008

5 days Later

Here it is 5 days later and I still can't believe that there is a Black man who is now the 44th Presdient of the USA, I have been hearing on the radio about people being careful about showing to much excitement about the out come of this recent how in the world is it all of a sudden not a good thing to be excited about the outcome of an election, now the constitution says all men are created equal in rights and creed and so fourth but when the creed is actualized it is insensitivefor Black people to be happy. GET REAL!!! This is a historic moment and it has proved that everyone or at least most everyone in this country has moved pass the whole "if it's black it's wrong" into wanting more for themselves and their children and voted a man in that has stayed true to his stance throughout his campaign that it's time for a change and that we as Americans have to stand upp and make the change and do what needed to be done.
The fact of this matter is simply that for the first time in this country we have almost overwhelmingly decided at a very crucial moment in time consciencely, open mindedly and excitedly voted in a Black man into the highest office in the land.

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