Thursday, November 27, 2008



Saturday, November 22, 2008


Ok today isn't a good day I am trying to stay positive about starting my business but it is quite draining on my patience it is becoming hard to "keep my head up" and I know it is going to take some work being a single moom and a woman business owner, and I know I made the right decisionn to do this but man it is hard being patient. I am waiting on everything the flyers, the children, the funding for people who don't want to pay for daycare, the few peopple I know who want to use my services to know that even though they are related to me that my service isn't charity it's well...."service". I fin it really odd that the people that we are related to would gladly pay a stranger any amount that they set for a provided service but act as if they pay you for the same service that you are somehow trying to over charge, even if you are charging them a lot less then they would pay anywhere is unbelievable how the people who should be your biggest supporters are the same people who would sooner put you out of business rather then pay you for the samethiing that they willingly pay starngers for everyday.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Well I'm sitting here listening to my Pandora radio and cooking dinner tonite it's beef yakk..and chocolate cake for dessert all made from scratch of course and the icing will be from scratch as well. I love cooking and baking I really like how the house smells while food is cooking and I think it's inviting the way anything baking in the oven smells; I just like the feeling I get when I'm in the kitchen and seeing the food I prepare enjoyed by whoever is around to eat and the people I cook for on a regular basis, I love to try new reciepes and test them out on the fam, some work and they go into the reciepe book for another day and the few that don't make the test are not chucked all together they are just put on hold until I can play with it and make it better. I can go on and on about the joy of cooking and oneday I will but right now I have to go and get my cake out of the oven and make my icing...........

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A lot of work

I am opening a daycare and it is a lot of work, I knew it would be and I am not complaining I actually am very excited. I am finally going to be my own boss and I love it I have spent so many years working for everyone else and making them look good and giving my all 110% to people who will not give to hoots about firing me but will make me give them 2wks notice so that they can replace me, I figure at this point in my life I owe it to myself to go after something I want and if I succeed all the better if I fail then I have learned something and I will do it better next time. I am going to make this work and I am going to succeed at it and I am going to leave my children something to be proud of.....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I can not believe that this is the result of such an historical win in this country, how is it that we live in a country that people from all over the world fight, die, and some even come achieve the so called American Dream, in which Barack Obama has achieved and has given a renewed hope to all children not just black children but in this country it has a very special meaning to black children. Now they can grow up and believe they can be ANYTHING they want to be.....and this is how SOME white people act, by being upset and threating and distributing racially derogatory flyers? SERIOUSLY! Instead of seeing this as a true realization of the Constitution SOME IGNORANT PEOPLE HAVE TO RESPOND LIKE THIS! Please read the article.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Ok today is officially the 2nd day of my daycare opening, and I only have one child but I think it is good....ok if you want to call my computer not sending any of my paperwork to my printer so that it prints the entire document ok then everything is ok.....I am going to figure out how to make this computer bend to my will..mawhahahahahah! *my evil laugh* I am going to figure this out my best friend calls me the plan "b" queen so plan b here I come, well anyway I can't wait to get set up and moving since my sis in law has given me so much of what I needed to get started and there's more to come......I just have to pick up a few more pieces of furniture and I'm good.I am going to make a go of this and make it successful and if it isn't so what at least I did it and that's one more thing for me not to regret.....I make it a point to live my life without regrets.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

5 days Later

Here it is 5 days later and I still can't believe that there is a Black man who is now the 44th Presdient of the USA, I have been hearing on the radio about people being careful about showing to much excitement about the out come of this recent how in the world is it all of a sudden not a good thing to be excited about the outcome of an election, now the constitution says all men are created equal in rights and creed and so fourth but when the creed is actualized it is insensitivefor Black people to be happy. GET REAL!!! This is a historic moment and it has proved that everyone or at least most everyone in this country has moved pass the whole "if it's black it's wrong" into wanting more for themselves and their children and voted a man in that has stayed true to his stance throughout his campaign that it's time for a change and that we as Americans have to stand upp and make the change and do what needed to be done.
The fact of this matter is simply that for the first time in this country we have almost overwhelmingly decided at a very crucial moment in time consciencely, open mindedly and excitedly voted in a Black man into the highest office in the land.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Going to be late

My 4 yr old is if it can be possible somewhat anal.....I find this funny because she has to have everything the way it is when introduced to her, she isn't good with change especially if we are in the car and going somewhere if she doesn't recognize the area then she freaks....I tok a different way home from school oneday to make a stop and she freaked it was funny because she was asking if we were lost if I knew where I was was halarious. I just felt like sharing because we are on our way out to the grocery store and she started running off directions like what we should see while we are on our way to the store.....Kids are so cute.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Men and woman are very different as we know, but what men need to know is that woman process information differently then they do like; when a man says something like, "Later" to say maybe a request to go out or a request to spend time together...When a man says "Later" to him he is saying I'm going to do this but not right now maybe not even today, What a woman hears is "No" because there is no commitment behind what he has just said to her and women like to hear definates and a commitment to what the man she is giving herself to is saying to her. Now for men I have secrets for you too. Woman become comfortable in situations and I'm not saying that is a bad thing, but because woman are prone to applying emotions to a lot of situations, you as men have to be specific in what you are saying and not take for granteed that when you are talking to a woman that it is all gettiing through the way you are hearing it in your head, if a woman says" I'm willing to sacrifice" what she is really saying is there is a time limit on this promise and you need to reassure me when you notice that I'm becoming impatient.... and guys there will be signs and they won't always be subtle. So pay attention, men do tend to get caught up in the unlimited understanding of a woman, but women also get caught up in the "he should know what I am feeling"

Please ...... get serious
Nut Shell:

Men are logical so say excatly what you mean to them (you will be suprised how far you get)
Women are logical with emotion attched so make yourself clear so they won't have room to read into what you are saying ( you will be suprised how many arguements you aviod)

We are different and our differences are what draw us to each other
There is a saying that goes: Men marry women hoping they won't change, women marry men hoping they will. (No clue who said that first) but it is too true if women would except that the man you are with is the man you are going to get then they would be happier, not the man that they hope he will be that's called settleling. Men except the woman the way she is and remiind her that the man she fell for is still there by not getting overly comfortable.

Welcome Thoughts

Hello and welcome to my blog here I am going to blog about "A Little Bit of Everything" my post will be random and not on any particular subject everyday but I will welcome everyones thoughts.