Sunday, December 21, 2008

DEC. 22


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Weight

Well I just came from the doctors and my weight is the cause of my problems, I have tried everything to lose this weight and so far the only thing that has been consitant is the fact that I will lose 5lbs and put it and maybe 2 more pounds back on, I told my doctor this and she said that I am losing the weight to fast, I never knew that 5lbs a month was excessive weight loss, she says 2lbs a month is normal...but if I am eating right and working out and my body lets go of 5 in a month isn't that normal for MY body and maybe not excessive? I am just wondering because I am becoming so frustrated with the whole thing........and what does she think is going to happen when I take in 1800 calories a day and workout my body is going to let go of the weight and it maybe quick in the beginning and then slow down as I get close to reaching my ideal weight. I also told my doctor that I have no energy to continue my workouts and I wanted to know if she could give me a B12 shot or B complex something, her advice to me was to get a multi-vitamin and Vit D and take that everyday and she thinks that will help but when? I have been battling with my weight for 5yrs now and nothing...I have never weighed this much and what little bit of weight I have put on over the years was easy to take off whenever I got active, so now what is the problem? I am really just ready to go the diet pill route and energy drink and call it a decade...... I mean what else can I do?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008



Now I'm not one for christmas, because my birthday is just 3 days before so christmas has never been one of my favorite it's a religous thing.....

Thursday, November 27, 2008



Saturday, November 22, 2008


Ok today isn't a good day I am trying to stay positive about starting my business but it is quite draining on my patience it is becoming hard to "keep my head up" and I know it is going to take some work being a single moom and a woman business owner, and I know I made the right decisionn to do this but man it is hard being patient. I am waiting on everything the flyers, the children, the funding for people who don't want to pay for daycare, the few peopple I know who want to use my services to know that even though they are related to me that my service isn't charity it's well...."service". I fin it really odd that the people that we are related to would gladly pay a stranger any amount that they set for a provided service but act as if they pay you for the same service that you are somehow trying to over charge, even if you are charging them a lot less then they would pay anywhere is unbelievable how the people who should be your biggest supporters are the same people who would sooner put you out of business rather then pay you for the samethiing that they willingly pay starngers for everyday.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Well I'm sitting here listening to my Pandora radio and cooking dinner tonite it's beef yakk..and chocolate cake for dessert all made from scratch of course and the icing will be from scratch as well. I love cooking and baking I really like how the house smells while food is cooking and I think it's inviting the way anything baking in the oven smells; I just like the feeling I get when I'm in the kitchen and seeing the food I prepare enjoyed by whoever is around to eat and the people I cook for on a regular basis, I love to try new reciepes and test them out on the fam, some work and they go into the reciepe book for another day and the few that don't make the test are not chucked all together they are just put on hold until I can play with it and make it better. I can go on and on about the joy of cooking and oneday I will but right now I have to go and get my cake out of the oven and make my icing...........

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A lot of work

I am opening a daycare and it is a lot of work, I knew it would be and I am not complaining I actually am very excited. I am finally going to be my own boss and I love it I have spent so many years working for everyone else and making them look good and giving my all 110% to people who will not give to hoots about firing me but will make me give them 2wks notice so that they can replace me, I figure at this point in my life I owe it to myself to go after something I want and if I succeed all the better if I fail then I have learned something and I will do it better next time. I am going to make this work and I am going to succeed at it and I am going to leave my children something to be proud of.....